Bedingungen und Konditionen
Definition der Begriffe
Als „Mieter“ wird die Person oder das Unternehmen bezeichnet, in deren bzw. dessen Namen der Mietvertrag abgeschlossen wird. Handelt es sich bei dem Mieter um eine Einzelperson, ist er/sie auch der/die Hauptfahrer/in und der/die Unterzeichner/in des Vertrages. Handelt es sich bei dem Mieter um ein Unternehmen oder ein Kollektiv, so ist der Hauptfahrer der Unterzeichner des Vertrages.
Der “ Vermieter “ ist definiert als die Firma VAN-AWAY EURL, deren juristische Daten wie folgt lauten:
Registrierungsnummer : RCS Montauban 537 831 240
Datum der Eintragung : 16. November 2011
SIRET : 537831240.00016
Kapital : 30.000 €.
Tätigkeit : Kurz- und mittelfristige Auto- und Freizeitfahrzeuge (7711A)
Sitz der Gesellschaft : Cassagne, 82600 Aucamville
Geschäftsführer : Jean-Philippe Ferton
Der „Camper“ ist ein Freizeitfahrzeug / Van / Wohnmobil, das von der Firma Van-Away an den Mieter vermietet wird.
Das “ Wohnmobil “ wird unter der Überschrift “ Fahrzeugzustandsbericht “ in der Anlage zum Vertrag beschrieben.
Der zwischen VAN-AWAY und dem Mieter vereinbarte „Mietvertrag“ enthält die allgemeinen Mietbedingungen (siehe unten), den „Fahrzeugzustandsbericht“
(unterschrieben bei der Abholung und Rückgabe des Wohnmobils) und die Schadenskaution.
Die Anmietung eines Wohnmobils von VAN-AWAY, die durch die Ausfertigung und Unterzeichnung eines Mietvertrags formalisiert wird, setzt die Annahme der allgemeinen Mietbedingungen (ohne jeglichen Vorbehalt seitens des Mieters) voraus. Wir empfehlen Ihnen dringend, die Bedingungen sorgfältig zu lesen.
Artikel 1- Welche Bedingungen muss der Mieter erfüllen? Welche Dokumente muss er/sie vorlegen?
Der Hauptfahrer und ggf. der im Vertrag genannte Zusatzfahrer müssen über 23 Jahre alt sein und einen gültigen Führerschein besitzen, der seit mehr als 3 Jahren gültig ist.
Zum Zeitpunkt der Vertragsunterzeichnung muss der Hauptfahrer Folgendes vorlegen
einen gültigen Identitätsnachweis
einen Adressennachweis von weniger als zwei Monaten (Wasser-, Strom- oder France-Télécom-Rechnung für einen Festnetzanschluss)
einen gültigen Führerschein im Original (Duplikate oder Fotokopien werden nicht akzeptiert). Der Führerschein muss :
seit mehr als 3 Jahren gültig
Für nicht-europäische Führerscheine : Entweder in französischer Sprache verfasst, oder durch einen internationalen Führerschein ergänzt
eine auf den eigenen Namen lautende Kreditkarte für die Zahlung des Mietpreises
eine auf den eigenen Namen lautende Kreditkarte oder einen Scheck für die Zahlung der Kaution (siehe Artikel 2.4 und 5.2 unter „Kaution“)
Achtung: Die Nichteinhaltung dieser Bedingungen oder die Nichtvorlage eines der oben genannten Dokumente führt zur Annullierung des Vertrages, ohne Rückerstattung der vom Mieter für die Reservierung des Wohnmobils geleisteten Beträge.
Artikel 2- Wie lauten die Reservierungsbedingungen, die Zahlungsmodalitäten und die Stornierungsgebühren?
2.1 – Reservierung
Die Reservierung des Wohnmobils durch den Mieter erfolgt in 3 Schritten:
Die Anfrage zur Reservierung durch den Mieter, einschließlich seiner Wahl des Wohnmobiltyps, des Zubehörs und der Ausstattung sowie der Daten. Diese Anfrage kann gemacht werden :
Über die Website von VAN-AWAY Wohnmobilverleih Frankreich:
Durch Kontaktaufnahme mit Ihrem VAN-AWAY Wohnmobilverleih Frankreich Büro vor Ort:
Wohnmobilvermietung Toulouse:
Wohnmobilvermietung Bordeaux:
Wohnmobilvermietung Nantes:
Wohnmobilvermietung Annecy-Genf:
Bestätigung per E-Mail von Van-Away an den Mieter mit einer datierten Rechnung, dem Typ des Wohnmobils (und dessen Ausstattung und Zubehör) und dem geltenden Tarif. Die Rechnung hat eine Gültigkeit von einem Monat ab dem Versanddatum.
Zahlung einer Anzahlung von 30% des Mietpreises (mindestens 50 Euro) durch den Mieter per Kreditkarte. Die Reservierung ist erst dann gültig, wenn Van-Away den Betrag überwiesen hat.
2.2 – Tarife
Der Miettarif ist der von Van-Away in der Rechnung festgelegte Tarif, der für einen Monat gültig ist und zum Zeitpunkt der Reservierung zugesandt wird. Er wird anschließend im Mietvertrag angegeben.
Der Miettarif beinhaltet
Mehrwertsteuer (die angegebenen Preise enthalten immer die Mehrwertsteuer)
Der Preis der Wohnmobilmiete basiert auf der Mietdauer
Das Zubehör und die Ausstattung des Wohnmobils
Die Versicherung, die Pannenhilfe und der 24/7-Kundendienst (siehe Artikel 6)
Die folgende zulässige Kilometerzahl:
2-Tage-Miete: 900 km
3-Tage-Miete: 1200 km
300 km pro Tag für 4 Tage oder mehr
Zugelassene Fahrer :
Pack INITIAL : 2 Fahrer
Pack ESSENTIEL & SERENITE : Mehrere Fahrer (+ Reduzierung der Selbstbeteiligung)
2.3 – Bezahlung
Die Zahlung der Buchungsanzahlung (zum Zeitpunkt der Reservierung) muss per Kreditkarte oder Banküberweisung erfolgen.
Die Zahlung des Restbetrags für die Anmietung (zum Zeitpunkt der Übernahme des Fahrzeugs durch den Mieter) muss per Kreditkarte, Scheck (in Euro) oder in bar erfolgen.
Die Schadenskaution muss entweder per Scheck (auf ein französisches Bankkonto ausgestellt) oder per autorisierter Abbuchung von einer Kreditkarte gezahlt werden. Dieser Betrag wird während des Mietzeitraums nicht hinterlegt (siehe Artikel 5.2).
Im Falle eines Zahlungsverzugs oder einer Nichtzahlung (nach Ablauf der Zahlungsfrist):
Zum Zeitpunkt der Reservierung (der Anzahlung): Die Reservierung wird storniert
Bei der Abholung des Wohnmobils (fällige Restzahlung): Die Vermietung wird ohne Rückerstattung der bereits gezahlten Beträge storniert.
Nach der Abholung des Wohnmobils (Verzug der fälligen Restzahlung für die Miete nach der Abreise des Mieters):
Der Mietvertrag wird storniert. Der Mieter wird telefonisch informiert (Anruf und SMS).
Der Campervan muss sofort zurückgegeben werden.
Die bereits gezahlten Beträge werden nicht zurückerstattet.
Der Mieter haftet für den Mietbetrag plus eine zusätzliche „Verzugsstrafe“ von 10% (des gesamten Mietpreises).
Wird der Wohnwagen nicht am Tag nach der Kündigung des Vertrages zurückgegeben, werden dem Mieter 200 € pro Tag für die Verspätung in Rechnung gestellt.
Der Mieter erklärt sich damit einverstanden, dass VAN-AWAY diese Strafen von seiner Kreditkarte abbucht. Darüber hinaus kann VAN-AWAY Strafverfahren wegen Nichtrückgabe des Wohnmobils und Vertrauensbruch einleiten.
2.4 – Stornierung und Änderung der Reservierung
2.4.1 – Vollständige Stornierung durch den Mieter, nicht abgeschlossene Rücktrittsversicherung
Im Falle einer vollständigen Stornierung der Reservierung durch den Mieter, der die Rücktrittsversicherung nicht abgeschlossen hat:
Mehr als 2 Monate vor Mietbeginn: Die Kaution wird nach Abzug eines Pauschalbetrags von 50 Euro zur Deckung der Reservierungskosten zurückerstattet.
Weniger als 2 Monate vor Mietbeginn: VAN-AWAY behält sich das Recht vor, die Kaution einzubehalten, insbesondere wenn das Wohnmobil während des stornierten Zeitraums nicht vermietet wird.
2.4.2 – Vollständige Stornierung durch den Mieter, abgeschlossene Rücktrittsversicherung
Im Falle einer vollständigen Stornierung der Reservierung durch den Mieter, der die Rücktrittsversicherung abgeschlossen hat:
Mehr als 2 Monate vor Mietbeginn: Die Kaution wird nach Abzug eines Pauschalbetrags von 50 Euro zur Deckung der Reservierungskosten zurückerstattet.
Weniger als 2 Monate und mehr als 48 Stunden vor Mietbeginn: Der Mieter kann bei der Versicherungsgesellschaft des Vermieters eine Rückerstattung seiner Miete beantragen.
Außerdem kann der Mieter im Falle einer vorzeitigen Rückgabe eine Gutschrift bei der Versicherungsgesellschaft des Vermieters beantragen.
Der Abschluss der Versicherung erfordert die vollständige Zahlung des Mietpreises 2 Monate vor Mietbeginn oder am Tag der Reservierung.
2.4.3 – Stornierung von Seiten VAN-AWAYs
VAN-AWAY behält sich das Recht vor, eine Anmietung zu stornieren, ohne die Kaution zurückzuerstatten, wenn die folgenden Fälle vorliegen:
Nichtvorlage der vom Mieter geforderten Dokumente bei Abholung des Fahrzeugs.
Article 3 – What are the conditions that apply to the delivery and handing back of the Campervans
3.1 – Description of the rented Campervan
VAN-AWAY wherever possible provides the renter with the Campervan reserved by the former. This Campervan is characterised by :
- Its model
- Its options and accessories
In the event that a Campervan becomes unavailable (for reasons of breakdown, accident, delay caused by previous renter) VAN-AWAY will do everything possible to supply a replacement Campervan as soon as possible. This Campervan might have different features to the one booked by the renter. In this case :
- If the renter refuses the substitute Campervan or the delay, his deposit will be completely refunded (exception : a Campervan of the same standard but with a different colour/design/brand than the one requested is not considered a reason for cancellation by the renter).
- If the renter accepts the substitute Campervan and if relevant, the delay, VAN-AWAY will reduce the rental price with regard to the new Campervan and its furnishings (even if the replacement Campervan is of a higher standard) taking into account the new duration of the rental.
In the event that an alternative solution cannot be found by VAN-AWAY, the rental will be cancelled and the whole of the deposit will be refunded to the renter.
Under no circumstances can the client claim compensation or interest to cover :
- The impossibility for VAN-AWAY to insure the rental during the prescribed period
- The delay of the delivery of a Campervan or
- The replacement of a reserved Campervan for a substituted Campervan
3.2 – Campervan pick-up
The Campervan can be picked up either from VAN-AWAY offices, or any other location (airport, railway station…) proposed by VAN-AWAY offices.
In the case where the renter picks up his customised van at the VAN-AWAY premises and leaves his own vehicle during the rental period, VAN-AWAY will not be held responsible for the breakdown, theft, vandalising, attempted theft or damage resulting from force majeur to the renters own vehicle. These claims must be assumed by the renter and his insurance providers.
The days and times of Campervan pick-up are :
- During low and mid-season
- For a rental of more than 4 days : The morning of the agreed rental start date from 9am
- For a 2-day or 3-day rental : pick up can be made without supplement the day before from 6pm
- For all other times, please contact us
- During high season
- Saturday from 9am
- o For all other times, please contact us
VAN-AWAY hands over the Campervan to the renter in perfect working order, clean both inside and outside, with a full tank of petrol and water supply and all administrative documents required to operate it.
The condition of the Campervan (interior and exterior) is described in the document „Vehicle Condition Report“ in the rental contract. The renter and VAN-AWAY will agree and sign a pre-rental inspection form citing any visible defects before departure. The renter has the right, during the first 10 kilometers of his journey to contact VAN-AWAY to indicate a non-identified defect when the Campervan was picked up. After this point, the rented Campervan will be considered to be conforming to the condition described in this document.
VAN-AWAY cannot take into account claims concerning visible defects that were not indicated in the “Vehicle Condition Report”.
3.3 – Returning the Campervan
The Campervan will be returned in the same location as for the pick-up.
The days and times of Campervan drop off are :
- During low and mid-season
- o The last rental day until 6pm
- o For all other times, please contact us
- During high season
- o Friday until 6pm
- o For all other times, please contact us
The Campervan must be returned at the time and date indicated on the rental contract.
- In the event that a request to return the Campervan before the date and time indicated on the contract occurs, the renter must inform VAN-AWAY 2 days prior to the new return date. VAN-AWAY will not be liable to refund the rental tariff.
- In the event that a request to return the Campervan after the date indicated on the contract occurs, the renter must inform VAN-AWAY 3 days prior to the return date indicated on the contract
- o If VAN-AWAY is in agreement, the return date will be changed. In this case, the renter gives VAN-AWAY the authorisation to carry out a direct payment on the renter’s credit card, for the additional rate based on the daily rental tariff in effect (low, mid or high season).
- o If VAN-AWAY is not in agreement, and the Campervan is not returned on the date stated in the contract, the late payment fine is set at 200€ per day in addition to the daily rate based on the rental tariff in effect (low, mid or high season).The renter agrees that VAN-AWAY deducts these penalties from his/her credit card. In addition, VAN-AWAY can proceed with penal procedures for non-return of the Campervan and breach of confidence.
- In the event that the Campervan is returned on the date stated on the contract but with a delay with regard to the agreed time on the contract, the renter must inform VAN-AWAY as early as possible and at the latest on the morning of the day of the Campervan’s return.
In the event that the renter refuses to sign the ‘vehicle condition report’ on returning the Campervan, the renter accepts that VAN-AWAY has the right to seek recource from an independent automobile expert to assess the returned ‘vehicle condition report’ and that the cost of this intervention will be met by the renter.
The Campervan will be returned :
- Clean inside + outside (unless cleaning service subscribed)
- With a full tank of petrol
- With all of the furnishings, accessories, locking and anti-theft material provided in working order
- With all of the paperwork (carte grise) pertaining to the Campervan
- In the condition mutually agreed to in the „Vehicle Condition Report »established at the time of the Campervan pick up
All expenses associated with the failure to comply with the above conditions will fall to the renter (see renter’s financial responsibility – article 5).
3.4 –Reclaiming the Campervan by VAN-AWAY, with breach of contract
The renter authorises VAN-AWAY to terminate the rental contract and take back the Campervan at anytime in the following cases :
- The renter has not abided by the terms and general conditions of the rental contract
- The renter has provided false or misleading information to VAN-AWAY
- The Campervan appears to be abandoned
- The Campervan has not been returned at the agreed day stipulated in the rental contract
- The passengers or the Campervan are put at risk
- The renter has failed to pay or is in arrears
Article 4- What is the renter’s responsibility in terms of the Campervan ?
The renter is solely responsible for the Campervan. He/she insures its proper use, maintenance, and the security of the Campervan and all of the equipment and documents within it.
4.1 – Campervan Security
In addition, he/she will not leave the keys or the Campervan’s paperwork (insurance, carte grise) inside the Campervan.
He/she furthermore undertakes to keep accessories like GPS, telephones, DVD players out of sight when the Campervan is parked, closed and unattended.
4.2 – Campervan maintenance
The renter is responsible for the cleaning and general upkeep of the Campervan during the rental period including :
- The cleaning of the interior and exterior of the Campervan
- The verification (visual and with the use of a pressure gauge if it seems necessary) of the tire pressure and inflating them if necessary
- o In the event that a tire must be replaced, it must be fitted with tires of the same dimension, type and where possible the same brand and tread as the original
- The verification of oil level and the other liquids (brake fluid, antifreeze, water) every 1500kms and replenish them if necessary
- o VAN-AWAY must be contacted to provide the various references for the maintenance products ( oil, brake fluid, antifreeze etc) to be used
- The verification of the level of petrol and the filling up of the tank (diesel only)
- The verification of the various dashboard lights
4.3 – Using the Campervan
The renter undertakes to respect the recommendations provided by the lessor at the time that the Campervan is picked up. These recommendations pertain to driving the Campervan, usage of its in-built equipment and the usage of the additional equipment added to the Campervan by VAN-AWAY.
The rental is strictly individual. The principal driver renter undertakes to forbid anyone other than him/herself to drive the Campervan the exception being the additional driver cited in the contract, except in the case of an unavoidable force majeure.
The principal driver/ renter undertakes throughout the rental period :
- To drive carefully, respecting the speed limits and the rules of the road enforced by the territory being traversed
- To be aware of the size of the Campervan, notably its height
- To avoid driving while intoxicated, drunk, under the influence of drugs
- To respect the number of passengers stated on the campervan registration papers (« carte grise »)
- To refrain from sub-leasing the Campervan
- To refrain from transporting people or goods in exchange for payment
- To refrain from using the Campervan for publicity purposes or for propoganda of any nature
- To refrain from either towing a trailer or any other vehicle or pushing another vehicle
- To refrain from transporting dangerous goods
- To refrain from exposing the Campervan to salt water
- To refrain from driving on anything other than paved roads (fields, mud, sand, unpaved tracks)
- To refrain from driving in the snow without the equipment supplied by VAN-AWAY
- To refrain from smoking inside the Campervan
- To refrain from climbing onto the roof
- To refrain from travelling with animals or pets
- To refrain from travelling in countries not covered by the insurance provided by VAN-AWAY (see list of countries on the green card)
- To refrain from driving in the event that his/her licence has been revoked
Article 5 – What is the renter’s financial liability ? How is it guaranteed ?
5.1 – Financial liability of the renter
5.1.1 – Campervan Maintenance
The renter is liable for the payment of all necessary cleaning, maintenance, and day-to-day running of the Campervan throughout the rental period as described in article 4.2 :
- Cleaning the interior and exterior of the Campervan
- Filling up the tank (diesel) throughout the rental period and leaving a full tank at drop-off
- Topping up the oil and other liquids during the rental period
- Restocking the cooking gas and water
Expenses for servicing the Campervan will be met by the renter in the event that the Campervan isn’t returned in the condition described in the „Vehicle Condition Report » established at the time of the Campervan pick up:
- Cleaning fees : a flat fee, from 40€ to 90€ depending on vehicle type and agency, in the event that the campervan is returned in a very dirty state.
- Fuel : in the event that the tank is not full, a flat fee of €2 per liter
5.1.2 – Financial liability following damage and theft covered by the insurance
The renter’s financial liability corresponds to the payment of the insurance excess, and is limited to the damage deposit.
The renter’s financial liability corresponds to the payment of the insurance excess, and is limited to the damage deposit.
5.1.3 – Financial liability following damage and theft not covered by the insurance
In case of damage or theft not covered by the insurance, the renter is wholly liable.
Please refer to article 6 for details relative to the VAN-AWAY insurance policy and to the condtions concerning damage and theft not covered by your rental contract.
5.1.3 – Parking tickets and fines
The renter is liable for the payment of any violations and or sanctions (financial and legal) throughout the rental period : speeding, parking etc.
5.1.4 – Lost keys and papers pertaining to the Campervan
In the event that the keys or the Campervan’s papers are lost, the renter will undertake to make all the necessary declarations required for obtaining a duplicate and replace the items at his/her own expense.
If the loss means that the Campervan is put out of circulation and cannot be rented by VAN-AWAY, the expenses of the immobilisation, calculated on the basis of the daily rental rate in force, will be paid by the renter.
5.2 – Guarantee of the renter’s financial liability : the damage deposit
5.2.1 – Payment of the refundable damage deposit
Renting a VAN-AWAY Campervan requires a damage deposit in the amount of 1900 euros.
The money towards the damage deposit will not be deposited during the rental period.
The damage deposit must be made by cheque (drawn on a French bank) or credit card.
The renter agrees that VAN-AWAY is authorised to withdraw the amounts owed by the renter in accordance with the enforced contract.
5.2.2 – Handing back the damage deposit
The damage deposit – if made by cheque – is returned one month after the drop off date of the Campervan with the possible deductions:
- Of the cost of replacing or repairing items following damage caused to the Campervan
- Of parking tickets or traffic violations
- Of late return penalties in the event of delayed Campervan drop off
- Of the cost of exceeding the kilometer limit, if the renter has not chosen the « unlimited kilometer » option : 0,25 euros per kilometer driven beyond the authorized limit, with a maximum of 20€ per rental day.
Article 6- What insurance and roadside assistance policies are included in the rental contract ?
6.1 – Contractual insurance and roadside assistance coverage
The insurance and assistance are applicable :
- For incidents and accidents occuring whence the principal driver/renter or the named alternate driver (mentioned in the contract) is behind the wheel
- In the countries listed on the green insurance card
- During the contracted rental period
- Only if the renter has acted in accordance with all of the responsibilites associated with the Campervans as described in article 4.
6.1.1 Insurance
The insurance policy covered by the rental contract includes :
- A third party motor vehicle liability insurance to cover all damage caused by the renter to:
- o a third party : vehicle, property or person
- o the passengers in the Campervan rented by VAN-AWAY (in case of corporal injury)
- Driver insurance, covering corporal injury
- A fully comprehensive policy to cover damage caused to the Campervan for which the renter is recognised as responsible (either partially or completely), as well as theft and fire, natural disasters, acts of vandalism. This insurance includes an 1900€ excess (deductible) covered by the renter’s damage deposit
- o Our insurance pack « ESSENTIELLE » reduces the insurance excess to 900€ (cost : 10€ per rental day, minimum 70€)
- o Our insurance pack « SERENITE » reduces the insurance excess to 250€ (cost : 20€ per rental day, minimum 85€)
- An insurance for a shattered windscreen, mirrors and headlights. This insurance includes a 150€ excess (deductible)
- o Our insurance pack « SERENITE » reduces the insurance excess to 0€ (cost : 20€ per rental day, minimum 85€)
6.1.2 Campervan roadside assistance
Campervan roadside assistance included in the rental contract is available 24/7 and covers :
- Help or advice with an accident report
- Assistance in case of puncture
- Towing of the Campervan or on site breakdown service
In the event of an accident or incident call 01 55 92 23 22 (in France) or 0033 1 55 92 23 22 outside of France – available 24/7. Assistance contract 5004529.
In the event that the Campervan is immobilised following an accident, incident or theft, the VAN-AWAY help contract offers no refund to the renter for the interruption of his/her voyage nor payment of damages and interest.
6.2 – Incidents not covered by the insurance policy
The following damage caused to the Campervan are not covered by the VAN-AWAY insurance policy :
- Theft or deterioration of the renter’s personal effects and those of the passengers in the Campervan
- Loss of the keys or the Campervan’s papers
- Damage to the Campervan rented by VAN-AWAY or to a third party in the event that the driver of the Campervan is neither the principal driver/renter nor the additional driver mentioned in the contract
- Damage to the Campervan rented by VAN-AWAY or to a third party in a country not included on the insurance green card
- Damage to the Campervan rented by VAN-AWAY or to a third party outside of the rental period stated in the contract
- Damage to the Campervan in the event of failure by the renter to uphold his/her responsibility concerning the maintenance and the use of the Campervan as set out in article 4. The following examples include (but are not limited to) the damage not covered :
- o Use of inadequate fuel
- o Damage to tires
- o Damage and deterioration caused by careless use of the Campervan (interior and exterior damage) : Torn or stained seats, broken equipment, exterior dents (to the body and the bumpers)…etc,
- o Damage due to driving the Campervan on sand, through mud or snow
- o Damage due to a state of intoxication of the driver
- o Damage arising from the false or misleading information and or declarations made by the renter to VAN-AWAY and to its insurer, or the deliberate omission of information on the part of the renter or the impossibility of using the information furnished by the renter (notably in the case of an accident report)
- o Damage arising from not providing in time relevant information concerning an accident or incident (notably in the case of an accident report)
- o Damage arising from the abandonment or the non-return of the Campervan within the contracted time period
- Theft following the abandonment or non-return of the Campervan within the time mentioned in VAN-AWAY’s Campervan rental contract
The renter agrees that VAN-AWAY shall be wholly authorised to withdraw sums owed by the renter, even if these sums exceed the amount of the damage deposit.
In the event of a dispute concerning the amount of money required to fix the Campervan taken to be repaired by VAN-AWAY, the renter will be entitled to engage at his or her own expense a certified independent expert (licenced by the tribunals) within 5 days following notification of the request for payment sent by VAN-AWAY. The conclusions of this expert will be final and applied to both parties.
6.3 – Insurance guidelines in case of damage to the Campervan
Two possible cases can occur in the event of damage caused to a Campervan rented by VAN-AWAY :
- The damage caused is solely the fault of an identified third party : the third party insurance is financially liable for the cost of repairing the Campervan rented by VAN-AWAY. On the condition that the third party is identified and insured, the renter is not financially liable. The administration costs for the renter are fixed at €50.
- The damage caused is either wholly or partially the fault of the renter: He’s financially liable.
In the event of a dispute concerning the amount of money required to fix the Campervan taken to be repaired by VAN-AWAY, the renter will be entitled to engage at his or her own expense a certified independent expert (licenced by the tribunals) within 5 days following notification of the request for payment sent by VAN-AWAY. The conclusions of this expert will be final and applied to both parties.
PLEASE NOTE : You are reminded that in the event that the renter is involved in several accidents or incidents during the rental period, each accident or incident will independently be subject to compensation according to the guidelines stated above.
Article 7 – What to do in case of an accident, breakdown or theft ?
7.1 – In case of an accident…
In the event of an accident involving a third party, the renter is responsible for :
- Filling out an accident report (failure to do so, the renter will be deemed wholly responsible) that includes :
- o Identifying the circumstances of the accident and the responsibilities of the parties concerned (the renter and the third party)
- o Identifying the third party : name, address, telephone numbers, drivers’ licence number and licence plate number
- Informing VAN-AWAY immediately so that VAN-AWAY can
- o Declare the accident to the insurers within 48 hours
- o Put the customer care procedure into effect, if necessary
7.2 – In case of a breakdown…
In the event that the Campervan breaks down, it is the renter’s responsibility to :
- Inform VAN-AWAY immediately so that VAN-AWAY can proceed with providing its customer care if necessary
- Refrain from making any repairs or replacing spare parts without VAN-AWAY’s accord
- Request and retain (in the case of repairs or spare parts replaced with VAN-AWAY’s accord) the invoices in the name of VAN-AWAY. These invoices will be reimbursed by VAN-AWAY if the incident or breakdown conforms to normal usage and the renter bears no liability (see article 4, renter’s liability)
7.3 – In case of theft or attempted burglary…
In case of theft or attempted burglary involving damage to the Campervan, it is the renter’s responsibility to
- Immediately inform VAN-AWAY so that it can declare the theft or attempted burglary to the insurers within 48 hours
- File (within 24 hours of the event) a report with the police or gendarmerie nearest to the place where the incident occured. The renter will be given a receipt for his declaration. This procedure will launch the investigation. It will also be the method by which the renter can deny his responsibility should the thief provoke an accident.
Article 8- Data Protection
8.1 – Using personal information
The renter accepts that VAN-AWAY gathers personal information (address, telephone number, email)
This information is confidential and will not be divulged by VAN-AWAY
This information will be used by VAN-AWAY
- To guarantee the reservation of the Campervan and to establish a rental contract
- To augment the VAN-AWAY client database (archive of client information following the rental, dispatching promotional offers…)
- To resolve any litigation and to apply the general rental conditions
8.2 – Access to, modification and saving of personal information
In accordance with the law, the renter maintains access rights to the communication, change or correction and deletion of personal information gathered by VAN-AWAY. He/she can exercise this right by contacting in writing (through the post) to VAN-AWAY (VAN-AWAY- Cassagne 82600 Aucamville France) or by email to
VAN-AWAY will archive personal data on a reliable secure platform made up of a single copy conforming to items in article 1348 of the Civil Code. The VAN-AWAY archives will be used as proof of communications, reservations, payments and transactions carried out between the two parties. These archives are available to the renter on demand by contacting